Hawk Walk
Thank you for helping us raise over $14,800 during Hawk Walk 2023
Join us on Friday, September 13th
8 am - 9:30 AM
Support our school and our students by sponsoring our children for this great event!
The Hawk Walk is our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year and ALL proceeds go directly to the PTO to support our children and teachers throughout the year. This fundraiser is done instead of selling candy, wrapping paper, cookie dough, etc.
We know the start of school is a busy time for everyone. We host this event at the beginning of the school year because it impacts the PTO’s budget for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
In addition, the Hawk Walk promotes school spirit and provides students, parents, and teachers an opportunity to meet and interact with one another, and our community, in a fun and healthy environment.
Click the button here to donate via PayPal, credit, or debit card.
IMPORTANT! Be sure to add the Student’s Name so that he/she will be given proper credit for your donation.
How does Hawk Walk work?
Students receive donations from family, friends, and neighbors to perform a fun walk around the Copper Creek campus. The walking path is full of fun surprises and ends at the legendary “Principal Messy Zone” where the students who have collected a minimum of $250 in donations have the opportunity to turn Mrs. Hillig and two guests into a human sundae. Students also earn cumulative prizes as they collect donations.
We need your support to make this event a success!
The PTO is requesting your support with the Hawk Walk by assisting us as follows:
Make sure your child received their envelope
Hawk Walk Envelopes will be sent home with students on Monday, August 26th. Detailed instructions will be included in the envelopes. Please make sure your child receives an envelope.Help your child understand why the Hawk Walk is important and how it impacts their class, teacher, and school.
Please try to make time to assist our younger students in collecting donations, if they need help.Consider donating to Hawk Walk
Any donation amount you can give is appreciated. Please make checks payable to “Copper Creek Elementary School PTO”. Credit card payments can be made via PayPal or credit card on our website coppercreekpto.com. The Copper Creek PTO is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization therefore your donation may qualify for a tax deduction depending on your tax status.Have your child return all Hawk Walk Envelopes to school by Wednesday, September 11th at 8:00 AM to be considered for the “Principal Messy Zone” prizes.
On Hawk Walk Day, Friday, September 13th, please make sure your child is wearing sunscreen and has water.
Please have your child wear comfortable clothes and shoes for walking. If they raised over $250, please have them wear clothing that can get messy.Volunteer and join us on the day of the event!
Bring Silly String, bubbles, or water misters to cool off the students as they walk. The Hawk Walk is a fun walking path and families are more than welcome to join in the fun!
Need Extra Hawk Walk Forms?
Participation and prizes
Our goal is 100% participation, for returning the envelope with at least a $5 donation, your child will receive a Copper Creek Kindness Bracelet.
Individual Prizes
$5 in donations earns a Copper Creek silicone bracelet
$40 gets you a clear Copper Creek backpack
$75 in donations earns a Copper Creek t-shirt
$125 gets one wristband for entry to the Fall Festival
Messy zone!
EVERYONE that collects at least $250 in donations will be able to participate in the Messy Zone!
$250 - one topping
$300 - two toppings
$350 - three toppings
$400 - four toppings
$450 - five toppings
$500+ Club!
Collect $500 or more and earn one of the following awesome rewards!
Principal for a day
SRO for a day
Librarian for a day
Ms. Holly for a day
Help your favorite teacher for a day
Dunk tank time slot at fall festival
Front of the Line pass for Splash and Fun Day
Choose a spirit day theme for the whole school
Choose a costume for Ms. Hillig to wear for a day
Share a pizza at lunch for you and two friends